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Joining Alice Hart-Davis to discuss injectables on 26 June on IGTV
24 June 2020
Mr D Humzah Consultant Plastic Surgeon will be joining Alice Hart-Davis on Instagram TV to discuss injectables.
AMWC AMS Webinar: The New Normal...Join us on June 23 2.00pm UK
21 June 2020
The New Normal: What to expect on reopening your practice - the UK approach, PART I Tuesday June 23, 2020 2:00 pm - London • 9:00 am - New York &bu
Award bestowed to Plastic & Dermatological Surgery
12 June 2020
Delighted and honoured to hear that Global Health & Pharma Magazine, have announced that Plastic & Dermatological Surgery are recipients within the upcoming 2020 Global Excellence Awards, have been awarded the title of: Leading Plastic & Dermatological Surgery Treatment Provider, 2020
Clinic Re-opening Update June 2020
10 June 2020
We are gradually moving forwards - the clinics are being supplied with the required protective equipment and we are planning a phased return to some of our activities. The Wolverhampton Clinic will be opening first for face-to-face consultation and gradually progressing to non-surgical procedures. ...
MDH SKIN R+ and C20
09 June 2020
Here's some good news - the MDH SKIN R+ and C20 have now arrived in the office! The R+ is a highly effective night cream that smooths fine lines and wrinkles. The C20 is a potent antioxidant and moisturiser that prevents wrinkles, dark spots and rebuilds collagen in your...
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